in a 2000 chevrolet blazer? 4-doorHow hard to change a fuel pump?
You can do it if you are commited to it. Learn how to do it first before you start. Get a book, read and learn. Thats a Chevy problem, its in the tank and you will probably want to drain the tank with a suction hose. Then you take down the two holding straps then the lines to the pump and remove. REPLACE with a high quailty pump so you don't do this again in two weeks.How hard to change a fuel pump?
yeah its a pain in the rear, ive attempted to do it on a 1998 blazer.. there are lots of hoses coming in and out, all plastic fittings.. best to take it to a mechanic with the proper equipmentHow hard to change a fuel pump?
If you have never done it , you should spend the $20 on a Chilton`s/Mitchell repair manual and see if you want to even attempt it. Takes about 1.5-2 hrs if you have all the tools and a warm spot to do it. Be prepared to possibly have to replace the tank straps. Is it 2 or 4 wd? Don`t forget to replace the fuel strainer and install a new fuel filter at the same time, and do not buy a cheap pump. It will come back an haunt you