how to change fuel pump2004 monte carlo how to change fuel pump?
the gas tank has to come down to get to the pump.2004 monte carlo how to change fuel pump?
1 disconect battery
2 remove wireing
3 disconect fuel lines..[carfuf,,high pressure,,goggles and rag over where ever you disconect to keep spray down]
4 disconect fuel neck
5 drop tank,,,heavy if 7 pounds a gallon
remove..replace fuel pump/gage sending unit [300 to 400 dollar part] put it back2004 monte carlo how to change fuel pump?
Go to the autozone website at and register your vehicle. It doesn't cost anything and you will have access to an online repair manual for your vehicle. It should have the information on the fuel system that you are looking for. Sure hope this helps and best wishes.2004 monte carlo how to change fuel pump?
2004? shouldn't have to change the fuel pump. Did you put a gage on it and check the fuel pressure? I read on this site lots of times where people spend their money replacing good parts.2004 monte carlo how to change fuel pump?
Fuel pump is in the gas tank. You must remove the gas tank to get to the