I've found a cheap 3000gt and I was wondering how hard it is to change the fuel pump on these vehicles. Thanks a lot!Is it hard to change a fuel pump on a Mitsubishi 3000GT?
might not be too hard it might be easier just gotta look out for rustIs it hard to change a fuel pump on a Mitsubishi 3000GT?
Its not to bad if the gas tank isnt that full.Is it hard to change a fuel pump on a Mitsubishi 3000GT?
It should be pretty easy. Most better make German and Japanese cars are more thorough than the American cars that require you to remove the gas tank. There should be an access cover either in your trunk, or under the back seat. The cover usually is held in place by 4 phillips screws. You may need a special tool to unscrew the pump/sender unit. Sometimes, two screwdrivers are enough to get the job done. Be sure that you check the power supply to the pump before you get involved in this project. Sometimes the real culprit is a fuse or bad relay. Good Luck!!Is it hard to change a fuel pump on a Mitsubishi 3000GT?
Go down to your local auto parts store %26amp; pick up a copy of a haynes Or Chilton's auto repair manual for your ride.
Flo wow the instructions in the manual %26amp; the job is finished.