Please help. I am not sure what to order.How to change fuel pump on 1994 Ford Bronco?
In a 94 Bronco you have one fuel pump located in the fuel tank (it is a high pressure pump, earlier models 85-90 used 2 pumps...a low pressure unit in the tank and a high pressure pump on the frame rail), to change it you drop the fuel tank, disconnect the lines and wiring connector, remove the lock ring and the pump and sender Assembly will lift out of the tank. Ford sells the pump and sender as a unit (which is why it is a little more expensive), some jobbers sell the pump and pick up as a partial unit and some sell just the pump itself....the main problem with buying just a pump is that NO ONE sells the connector seals that lock the pump to the pick up assembly and these are often damaged when removing the pump from the unit. I recommend the use of either the FORD complete pump and sender assembly or a pump and pick up assembly from the jobber stores.How to change fuel pump on 1994 Ford Bronco?
yes two pump's one in the tank and one on the frame rail . is it a full size or a ll low pump in tank and high pump on rail. you can hear high pump by turn of key. or pull line going to high pump and see if gas is coming out .