hi does anyone know how to change a fuel filter pump on a 92 dodge dakotaHow to change a fuel filter pump?
Fuel filter is not too hard. But it would be easier if it were on a lift at a shopHow to change a fuel filter pump?
well first of all there is no such thing as a fuel filter pump. there is a fuel pump and a fuel filter, and they are both different things. if i were you i would go to a mechanic. it is an extreme hassle for you to change either one of these yourselfHow to change a fuel filter pump?
Which one do you need to change the fuel pump or fuel filter? Fuel filter is on fuel line under the box in front of fuel tank and fuel pump needs to have tank dropped. How to change a fuel filter pump?
well 1st u need to figure out what ur changing... the fuel filter or the fuel pump, and since u apparently don't know what ur talking about u should have went to a manual (of ur vehicle) and looke in there (there is something diffrent in each vehicle) and/or u should go to an auto mechanic