I changed fuel lines from tank to engine now car dont start how i pump fuel without using my starter cuz or just do it faster cuz i feel like i going to empty battery soon if i continue rolling starter?How to pump fuel into system to start car?
Spray starting fluid into throttle body,sparingly and watch for backfired.How to pump fuel into system to start car?
Every time you cycle the ignition key from off to the on position with out cranking the motor over the fuel pump will run for around 5-10 seconds. If you do this 3 times it should build up the fuel pressure enough to start the car.How to pump fuel into system to start car?
if your car has electric fuel pump, simply turn the key on for a few seconds before starting. if not, spray some starting fluid into carb/throttle body.How to pump fuel into system to start car?
Please do not use starting fluid,simply pour a small amount
of gas down the carb or throttle body.